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Products Usage

I am a new user of DR's Secret, what product should I use?

We recommend that you start with our Starter Kits and work towards a full routine from there. If you would like a more customised solution, you may contact us to be introduced to a Skin Buddy (an independent sales representative and real user) who can further help to assess your skin and guide you on how to use the products.

Does every DR's Secret user need to be attached to a Skin Buddy? Why do I need a Skin Buddy?

Yes, we highly recommend all users, especially new beginners to be attached to a Skin Buddy. The Skin Buddy is an independent sales representative and an experienced user of DR's Secret who has used the products to achieve healthy glowing skin.

With good experience and product knowledge, the Skin Buddy is able to help you customise your skin care routines and guide you on product application to achieve the best results for your skin.

If you should feel lost or have any questions at any point in time, feel free to share with your Skin Buddy and work closely together to achieve your desired results.

How long does it take to see visible results?

In general, you should see noticeable improvements approximately 1 month after consistent application. Our skin cells require at least 28 days to go through a full renewal cycle (this period may extend with age) and we encourage consistent use for 3 to 6 months to see significant results.

Individual results may vary depending on your current skin condition. Those with more severe skin problems would need more time and those with a good skin foundation might notice results in a matter of weeks.

In the long run, you should be able to witness skin that is healthier and rejuvenated.

Are DR's Secret products suitable for all skin types, including sensitive or irritated skin?

DR's Secret products are formulated to be suitable for most skin types. A Skin Buddy is recommended to help assess your skin and customise a skin routine that best suits your current skin condition.

If you are concerned about sensitivity, make sure to do a sensitivity test first by applying the product at the back of your ear or the inside of your arm to detect any signs of reaction or allergy. This can help reduce the chance of irritation. If you are allergic to certain ingredients, always check the product label.

Can I use DR's Secret products with other skin care brands and products?

Our skilled formulators pay meticulous attention to ensure the synergy between active ingredients so that they work in seamless harmony with your skin's natural processes. This means that products are formulated to work well with each other for complementary effects and boosted results.

For best results, we do not recommend mixing with other skin care brands and products, especially for beginners. You may also consider starting your routine with our starter kits.

Your Skin Buddy will also be able to quickly recognise the issue should any reaction occur and provide a quick solution. This process might be slowed down should other products be mixed into your routine as it might be difficult to determine the cause.

Can I only purchase 1 product to try first instead of getting a full range/set?

Yes, you may purchase individual products to try them out before committing to a full range.

For a start, we recommend that you try our Starter Kits and work towards a full routine from there.

If you would like a more complete experience, we recommend getting a more customised solution from your Skin Buddy (an independent sales representative and real user) who can further help to assess your skin and guide you on how to use the products.

Will my skin worsen or experience rebound effects should I stop using DR's Secret?

Just like how our body weakens when we stop feeding it with sufficient nutrients, the condition of our skin will naturally decline without proper care and maintenance, or if skin care is stopped.

As our skin is constantly changing and adapting to our environment and age, we encourage you to follow a regular skin care routine with DR's Secret products to maintain the skin at its optimal condition.

Do I need to wait for each product layer to be absorbed before I apply the next product?

Simply layer on each product immediately without waiting for the previous layer to dry. DR's Secret products are formulated to be complementary to each other and there is no problem with layering them on one after another. You can even mix some of these products together as guided by your Skin Buddy.

The only exceptions are Sunscreen 5 and 5M as you will be able to apply them with greater ease when skin is less wet. After you have completed your daytime routine, allow your skin to absorb for a few minutes before applying sunscreen.

I am currently pregnant. Can I use DR's Secret products?

Our products are generally safe for pregnant women and we've had many pregnant ladies use our products. However, as each individual's condition is different and every pregnancy is unique, we will recommend that you check and get your doctor's opinion for a peace of mind.

Products Safety

How does DR's Secret guarantee product and ingredient safety?

Other than product efficacy, product safety is also our top priority. You may refer to the article: Are DR's Secret products and ingredients safe? for details on how we ensure product safety from formulation to manufacturing to quality assurance.

I see some people experiencing tremendously quick results. Do DR's Secret products contain hormones and steroids?

No, we do not use ingredients containing hormones or steroids in our products.

Our products are tested annually by SGS Taiwan Ltd. for hormones, steroids and a panel of 300 odd western drugs to ensure that no contaminants are present in our product formulas.

DR's Secret products are focused on encouraging the skin's natural renewal process instead of providing a quick surface fix. That is why visible changes may be observed after a period of use. This period is dependent on the individual's current skin health and degree of skin damage, and thus varies.

Are DR's Secret product safe to be used long term? Will my skin become thinner with long-term use?

Yes, DR's Secret products are safe to be used long term. Many of our users have been with us since the founding days of our brand and are still using DR's Secret products today.

Our products do not cause the skin to become thinner. As we age, our skin renewal rate slows down. DR's Secret products help to remove dead skin cells, oil and dirt that have accumulated on the skin surface, increasing skin renewal rate and uncovering natural skin glow.

Our customised routines also focus on delivering nourishment to the skin and strengthening your skin barrier. When used correctly, the routines help to keep the skin's normal exfoliating process active without thinning the skin.

Are DR's Secret products all-natural?

No, DR's Secret ingredients are carefully selected from the best of nature and scientific innovation to provide safe and effective skin solutions that produce results.

It is important to stress that natural doesn't necessarily mean better. The source of an ingredient does not determine its safety profile. Factors such as quality and purity of ingredients, the dosage used, formula compatibility, the final product form need to be assessed as well.

While we select from high quality natural ingredients, synthetically-derived actives may be used when they could do better in delivering safety and performance.

Do DR's Secret products contain fragrance?

Apart from being functional, we care about the skin care experience. Some of our products do contain fragrance or natural essential oils to enhance the user experience and make skin care more enjoyable. Always check the product label before use if you are allergic to certain ingredients.

Do DR's Secret products contain preservatives?

The use of preservatives is dependent on the product formula and form. Any cosmetic products containing water would require a preservation system against bacteria contamination. This helps to guarantee product safety for human use and a reasonable shelf-life. Product formulas that do not contain water may not require preservatives.

The preservatives used in our formulas are safe and permissible for cosmetic use according to key regulations like the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive and European Commission. It is noteworthy that skin care products usually only require a small amount of preservatives to achieve sufficient protection.


Where is DR's Secret from?

DR's Secret was founded in Singapore in 2000. Our products are manufactured in various regions, please refer to your product label or our website for more information.

Do your products contain any animal-derived ingredients?

Yes, below are a list of DR's Secret products that contain animal-derived ingredients. Please note that our products do not contain ingredients derived from porcine. Any animal-sourced ingredients are extracted from egg white and fish.

Eye Cream
Hydrolyzed Collagen from fish

Refining Serum 9
Hydrolyzed Albumen from egg white